
Human Resource Management (Individuals) BSC Honours


Human Resource Management (HRM) is important for an organisation for supervising their employees by applying a formal system. There are several roles and responsibilities which are performed by HRD in an organisation such as staffing, salary and wages, several other benefits etc. Main role of HR manager is to increase productivity and profitability by using available manpower in refined way (Anderson, 2013). HR also plans for Training and Development Program to enhance skills and knowledge of employees.

This assignment is based on Tesco Plc which is a multinational grocery company, founded in 1919 by Jack Cohen. It’s headquarter is at Tesco House England, United Kingdom. Below description explains purpose and function of HRM. It also emphasis on the strengths and weaknesses of recruitment and selection approaches. Same also through light on benefits of HRM practices as well several other things related to human resource management.

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P1 Purpose and functions of HRM applicable for workforce planning and resourcing

Human resource management is set of activities in which candidates are recruited and manage by HR manager. In this main role is played by manager for hiring and selecting suitable candidates according to their skills and knowledge for filling vacancy. The same department is important for every organisation because it manage entire company's working in proper manner by considering all the employee's benefits also. HR department is responsible for selection, recruitment, program for employees development so they can achieve goals and objectives which are predetermined (Aswathappa, 2013).

Purpose of Human Resource management

Personnel management plays various roles and responsibilities which are focusing on building effectual relationship between employees. Tesco Plc is a Grocery Company where they use HR practices for managing their work in proper manner. A Manager of same organisation plays several activities and performs functions with motive of maintaining healthy relationship among co-workers, resulting in increasing productivity. Few purposes are given below:-

  • Create better organisational culture: For maintaining positive working environment, HR department plays an important role. Thus, overall task of Tesco Plc can be managed in proper manner which will resulted in generating maximum profit. Positive working environment created by organisation when task is divided among each and every personnels (Brewster and Hegewisch, 2017).
  • Law: Several laws and legislation laid by the UK government must be followed by every enterprise. These can be related to union, labour relation, employees’ legislation and negotiation which can influence decision-making process of HRM. Along with this, laws related to hiring, selecting and terminating staff member must be considered by Tesco Plc.
  • People management: HRM is popular for managing their employees in effective manner so better working environment can be created. It is important for increasing productivity and generating revenues with the help of same manpower is utilised properly.

Functions of Human Resource Management

HRM consists of several functions and activities which help in smooth working of business and in managing day-to-day working. Major role of this is to mange workforce and manpower in proper manner (Cascio, 2010). Thus, company can generate more and more revenue and increase productivity.

Some of the functions are given below:-

  • Orientation: this is conducted by an organisation for their new employees. It helps them to know about the company and its existing employees. as well in interacting with every individual staff member. Therefore, a new candidate can be aware about the working environment and get adjusted with that.
  • Recruitment and selection procedures: For completion of day-to-day activity in business, there is a requirement for skilled staff. Thus, Human Resource department is liable for managing workforce by recruiting and selecting candidates according to requirement.
  • Employee relations management: Relationship between employees, who are working in the same organisation, must be effective and positive for smooth performance. For this, Human resource manager is responsible because this directly gives impact on working environment because they are liable to manage each or every aspect faced by business entity. In fact, overall management is handled by personnel management team as managing is assigned by higher authority.
  • Training and learning session: This is important for both existing and new employees. There are several changes made by company in their structure of working. So accordingly it is necessary to increase skills and knowledge of staff to get accustomed with all modifications.

P2 Strengths and weaknesses of various approaches to recruitment and selections

This is important process and not a easy task as any vacancy must be fulfilled with suitable candidate according to required specifications (Boudreau, 2010).

There are several approaches of recruitment and selection process which are explained below:-

  • Job Analysis: Here the manager gathers information about vacancy in an organisation. Later, decides to conduct recruitment and selection process for hiring suitable candidates. Several activities are conducted by manager for hiring skilled and qualified candidate to accomplish outcomes such as advertisement programmes, events and so on.
  • Job Description: this contains information related to vacancy such as experience, salary, work responsibilities and other requirement. Thus, the interested candidates can be applied for vacant position.
  • Job posting strategy: HR manager is responsible for designing an effective strategy of recruitment and selection process in order to fill the vacant position of an enterprise (Chelladurai, 2017). Thus, Tesco Plc has to use best strategy and method for hiring interested and eligible person.
  • Multi phase recruitment: This is the best method which helps in finding suitable and eligible candidates who matches to the profile required by the organisation. It includes methods of interviews such as telephonic round, personal, video interview and written round .
  • Person Specification: In this point crucial criteria is seen as respect of qualities, qualification knowledges, abilities and skills for particular job. It is in relation to the job descriptions that examine suited person.

Strengths of recruitment and selections

  • Internal method of hiring candidate is suitable because vacancy is filled by internal candidates without any delay.
  • Tesco Plc is mainly focusing on qualified and knowledgeable persons for their hiring process. Therefore, that candidate can handle any critical situation which may arise.
  • This procedure is very advantageous for creating effectual manpower by pull in talented person towards company so that targets can be accomplished.

Weakness of recruitment and selection

  • Internal source is not suitable for firm because it forbid fresh talent and innovation because of internal selection (Kerwin, 2017).
  • External recruitment methods are costly and expensive as several activities such as advertisement, use of electronic media etc are also employed to provide information to the candidates.
  • This is time-consuming method since brief check is done making it a lengthy method.


P3 Benefits of HRM practices for both the employer and employee

Human Resource management is beneficial for each and every individual working in the company. Advantage of this is gained by is to both employer and employee who are working in company. Below are some benefits of HRM practices:-

Employer's Benefits

  • Focus on tasks or assignment: They get advantage of getting work done in effective manner by dividing task among several employees. Along with this, they find suitable way of completing task in well manner.
  • Using work time: This is also beneficial for employers because with HRM practices they can use time as well as efforts for completing work on time and in effective manner in the enterprise. Tesco plc implements various Human Resource Management practices for achieving its goals or objectives within specific time period.
  • Reduce absenteeism: This decrease chances of absence and motivate staff members to work in a more appropriate way and beneficial for increasing growth and productivity of Tesco Plc.

Employee's Benefits

  • Experiences in new areas: According to this element it has been determined that when several new tasks is assigned to employees by HRM practices then it is essential to consider facts about clients (CHUANG and Liao, 2010). They find new area for working which develop their interest and enhance skill, knowledge for working in new field.
  • Opportunities of training and development: HRM frame program related to training and development is beneficial for employees’ for enhancing their skills and knowledge. Main reason behind conducting this program by Tesco Plc is to increase productivity and generating profit.
  • Personal satisfaction and cultural interest: human resource management practices assist in providing satisfaction each and every staff member. Along with this trying to generate interest in culture of organisation.

P4 Evaluation of effectiveness of HRM practices for organisational profitability and productivity

Human Resource Management play vital role in an organisation for achieving growth or sustainability development (Daley, 2012). There are number of rules or regulations included in the HRM practices that must be considered within the firm.

Tesco plc also undertakes various functions or activities for the purpose of managing entire business operations in very appropriate manner. HRM practices are essential for achieving set goals or targets in well manner. Tesco plc focus on improving productivity as well as profitability by using different HRM practices.

Set proper directions and implementations: Manager and leaders of Tesco plc are responsible for setting the goals and deadlines towards organisational success. They give instructions and provide guidelines to the workers so that they can attain predetermined goals or objectives in sufficient way. They consider mission, vision, purpose, goals or objectives which will support to increase the profitability as well as productivity.

Excellent task performer and innovative staff members: It is an essential task for the firm as they can undertake new innovative ideas and creations which will help in bringing effectiveness and perform every tasks or work in well manner within the firm. Manager and leaders are responsible for creating healthy and positive environment to accomplish set targets or goals.

Team and individual goals through proper communication: In this element one thing is identified that HRM practices one of the best way for communicating individual or team goals. Manager provides adequate information to the workers regarding business goals or targets.

Update the skills: Tesco plc believes in creating and maintaining effective workforce in an appropriate way so that manager and leaders focus on employees’ development (Fulton, 2011). They conduct training and learning sessions for their employees to enhance skills, knowledge and abilities so that Tesco can achieve its set goals or objectives in more efficient way. Their main aim is to keep updated all their employees through training and development programmes in the firm.

Drive employees performance: This is another important factor which is beneficial for increasing productivities and profitability (Glendon, 2016). Manager and leaders organise program for appraising employees’ performances by using tools or methods so that best employee or star performer can be found. Therefore, they provide rewards; benefits and bonuses to employees for the purpose of accomplishing tasks or objectives in an impressive manner.


P5 Importance of employee relations that influence HRM decision-making

Employees relationship play important role in success of organisation and also in creating positive working environment as well it help in achieving goals and objective of business. This can be possible when enterprise take care of their employees by providing them benefits, compensation and also in motivating them. Moreover, personnel need proper working environment and motivating them result in increasing productivity this entire is work of management of Tesco Plc. There are several ways through which HR manager of Tesco Plc is motivating and encouraging workers for accomplishing work in effectual way.

Maintain equality by communication – communication in organisation should be in orgainsed way from top to down approach level with appropriate channel (Clarke and McKenna, 2016). Thus, information related to business in given to each and every employee working in Teso Plc. Because of this there will be no chance of any barriers and if any than solved in adequate manner.

Employees Loyalty – If company is serving their personnel in better manner which provides job satisfaction, then only they can be loyal towards company. For this, Manager of Tesco Plc have to create a positive and healthy working environment must be created to maintain good relation.

Sharing Work – when two or more people works on a single task then they will achieve goal of company in effective manner. Sharing work helps in building relation as well because of this no individual will suffer through work pressure. Although sharing work is essential for achieving goals and objective on time.

Resolve Conflicts - when more than two people are working on a single project then there will be reasons of conflict which may disturb cordial relationship (Guest, 2011). In such a situation, manager takes steps to solve it creating healthy working environment. Resolving conflicts is important because teamwork is a contributing factor. important for achieving goals and objective of business.

There are several more ways also that influence HRM practices of employees relation. Tesco Plc HR department is strong enough for maintaining relation between workers.

P6 Key elements of employment legislation and its impacts upon HRM decision-making

There are several laws and legislations which are given by the UK government related to firm and their structure as per nature of company. According to that HR manager they have to do their activities which is related to laws and legislation followed by company. Several organisations consider a correct hierarchy system for working of their business and appropriate communications. Small scale business have minimum structure of workforce so that staff member can interact with each other in more proper manner. Large scale companies generally have numerous of layers and vast hierarchy structure which create complexities in contacting with every staff member working in enterprise. Human Resource manager needs to consider this hierarchy system for transfer of important information and data to the personnel.

Tesco plc includes this to create better working environment and effectual manpower. They are as follows:

  • Analyse positions: This task is important because it describe particular job vacancy with its proper detail and information (Knowles and Holton, 2014). Thus, it is necessary to fulfil job application so enterprise mainly focusing on providing information to employees about roles and responsibilities which they have to follow for achieving goals and objective.
  • Equal wage act: there should not be any partiality between employees working in same organisation according to gender, age, colour, caste, religion etc. Everyone have equal right and authority of equal wages according to their work.
  • Minimum payment act: As per this act which is given by the government about minimum payment to employees for their work. Thus, Tesco Plc have to consider all the act related to payment of wages or compensation and provide personnel as per their work.
  • Employee's rights act: Employees also have several rights while they are working for any company especially related to their safety and security (Scullion and Collings, 2011). Thus, it is responsibility of an organisation to provide proper protection and safety to staff member while their working hours.
  • Workmen's Compensation act: This legislation was formed by the government for rendering better compensation to the employees. In this, consider various safeties major related with health problem and mishap that staff members’ gets during project completion within a company (Swanson, 2014). Tesco plc give proper compensations to employees if the go through any harm and injuries.


P7 Illustrate the application of HRM practices in the organisation with examples

In an organisation, there are many activities and functions to be performed by HRD and its purpose is to manage work in effectual manner. This considers several activities such as recruitment and selection process, training and development program, performance appraisal and many more (Purce, 2014).

Job analysis: In the vacant job position is described and identified in proper manner. Explanation of this is given below:

Job description

Organisation name

Tesco plc

Job profile

Human Resource Executive


England, United Kingdom

Report to

HR Administration office

Roles and Responsibilities

Explicate policies and strategies of Human Resource.

Keep record of attendance and management of personnel.

Conduct Performance reviews and appraisal.

Help in recruitment and selection procedure.

Training and development programmes for new staff member or joiners.

Required Qualification

MBA (Master degree in Business Administration)

Experience required

3 to 6 years


7 to 9 lac per annum.

When job description is prepared, second step is use of media for providing information related to profile (Marchington, 2016). Below given is CV of candidate who is applying:

Curriculum Vitae (CV)



Contact number:

Email Id:

Career objectives: To seize opportunities to showcase my talents in Human resource and accomplish success and development


MBA (Master in Business Administration)


3 years experience in HRM sector.

Personal skills:

Good communication skills

Leadership skills

decision-making skills

Problem solving


I hear by declare that the above information is true as per my experience and knowledge.

Recruitment and selection process: After selection of CV, recruitment and selection program is conducted (Meredith and Belbin, 2011). This includes interview, group discussion and examination.

Documentation: Proper documentation of selected candidate is done like ID card, education documents and many more.

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From the above report, it can be summarised that Human Resource Management is a very important function of the organisation which helps in managing people and their work performance in better ways. Every firm consider HRM practices for performing every task or activities so that organisational goals or objectives can be achieved. In this included various functions such as planning, organising, directing, staffing, and controlling for creating effective organisation. HR manager plays several activities and perform their duties like conducting training and development programs, recruitment and selections process and performance appraisals of employees for the purpose of accomplishing predetermined targets or goals of the Tesco plc. HR manager maintain the relationship among employees by motivating them and creating healthy working environment.

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  • Anderson, V., 2013.Research methods in human resource management: investigating a business issue. Kogan Page Publishers.
  • Aswathappa, K., 2013.Human resource management: Text and cases. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Brewster, C. and Hegewisch, A. eds., 2017.Policy and Practice in European Human Resource Management: The Price Waterhouse Cranfield Survey. Taylor & Francis.
  • Cascio, W. and Boudreau, J., 2010. Investing in people: Financial impact of human resource initiatives. Ft Press.
  • Chelladurai, P. and Kerwin, S., 2017.Human resource management in sport and recreation. Human Kinetics.
  • CHUANG, C.H. and Liao, H.U.I., 2010. Strategic human resource management in service context: Taking care of business by taking care of employees and customers.Personnel psychology. 63(1). pp.153-196.
  • Daley, D.M., 2012. Strategic human resources management.Public Personnel Management. pp.120-125.
  • Fulton, E.A. And et. al., 2011. Human behaviour: the key source of uncertainty in fisheries management. Fish and Fisheries.12(1). pp.2-17.
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